
A Celebration of Style and Design

The design and build philosophy at Thomas Archer begins with placing the client at the centre of the process. Knowing want they want, their needs and what’s important to them as they live their lives, is our starting point. From here, our team comes together to consider all aspects and how each detail through architecture, interior design and construction converge, to create a home that that our clients feel they belong in.

A Collaboration of Expertise

"Our Elba display perfectly showcases the synergy between architecture, interior design, styling and landscaping

and celebrates how all these elements come together to create a home you don’t want to leave."

Frank Tarulli, Director

The Beauty of Our Designs
The Beauty of Our Designs

The Beauty of Our Designs

One of the advantages of working with a Thomas Archer design as a base for your home, is not only are you starting with an architectural plan that already has a lot of thought and consideration built in, but you also get to work with a team dedicated to adding the details to make your home your own. Our new Elba display highlights thoughtful approach of our team, to breathe life into every room.

The Beauty of Our Designs
The Beauty of Our Designs

Design and Build Philosophy at Thomas Archer

Architecture at Thomas Archer

Interior Styling at Thomas Archer

Interior Design Thomas Archer